Sylvain Darrifourcq : FIXIN (creation) + O.U.R.S. – Clément Janinet : Danse?
- #concert
Friday 7 February 2025
Théâtre de Vanves
12 Rue Sadi Carnot
92170 Vanves
■ Sylvain Darrifourcq : FIXIN (création)
The transhumanist movement has a specific goal: augmenting our intellectual and physical capabilities. But what happens when an artist applies techno-scientific progress to the body of a musician? FIXIN is a performance that stages the body of musician that has been “augmented” by a multitude of motors and digital tools.
■ O.U.R.S. – Clément Janinet : Danse?
Théâtre de Vanves (92)
4th of december at 8pm, informations and reservations ► www.billetterie.theatre-vanves.fr/spectacle?id_spectacle=5343&lng=1
Co-production : Biennale Nemo / Arcadi, Hector, Full Rhizome, Théâtre de Vanves, Muse en Circuit, Lieu Multiple / avec le soutien de l’Adami, Spedidam